Wellness Wednesday, October 17, 2018

I took a 10 day break from social media challenge. That’s why I haven’t been posting. It’s interesting the things I learned about my habits.

First, I’ve been wasting a LOT of time watching what I now refer to as junk food for the eyes. I’m unsubscribing to half of the people I’ve been following, because, although they might be entertaining, they’re empty calories.

The second thing I learned is how much I really enjoy reading, and my time on social media was taking away from that. I’ve actually read three books during that time and have started a fourth!

Third, I wasn’t aware how much this was affecting my mental health. I would get caught up in politics or man’s inhumanity to man, and I was getting depressed. It was affecting my mood and my motivation.

I am back on social media now, but am very selective as to what I choose to watch and/or engage in. If I can keep from falling back, I know I’ll be much happier. And if I can’t seem to keep away from the darker side, I might have to divorce myself from it altogether. Time will tell.

What are you doing to improve your mental health today?

A Pocketful of Joy to Fill Your Day